Leper Messiah

Giving the world a hand since February 3rd, 2002. "If you're gonna dine with them cannibals, sooner or later, darling, you're gonna get eaten."

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

One of my favorite sketch comedy groups was on Comedy Central for one season: The Vacant Lot. Most of the members are brothers of other more successful sketch comedy groupmembers--except the tall guy. Now, thanks to YouTube, I can enjoy the sketches all over again.

Blinded by the Light - Ever wondered what the song lyrics REALLY were?

Caught at the Border! - Justice (and fun) south of the border.

We're Gonna Get Lucky Tonight! - Not for the accident prone...

Slept on his Arms Last Night - A music video. Pay attemtion, you may just learn something before it's done. Beverage warning: no drinking during video unless you have a Pepsi-proof keyboard.

Pamper Me - A music video about infantilism. How they made this funny is nothing short of a stroke of genius.

Mr Wiggles Clubhouse - A Mr Rodgers parody. I've already done one spit take watching this. Look out for "pumpkin spider!"

Shiatzu - Visual joke.

Bonnet - Simple. Straighforward. Left field.



Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic.

CNN in the style of talk radio:
Well-known drug fiend Rush Limbaugh was arrensted on the way home from a week-long binge of illegal drugs & underage hookers. Anonymous sources say he needs the Viagara just to "get it up", owing to an injury he suffered during a brief stint with Satanism last year.

Which contains more facts? Nobody knows, and that's how Conservatives operate, polluting your opinion before you know the facts. It also is how the MSM is falling down on the job by regurgitating the Conservative talking points rather than doing their damn jobs & finding out the truth. Repeating a lie--by either side--is not "being balanced", it's laziness.